9055 Americana Road #23,
Vero Beach FL 32966
With our detailed financial reporting tools and online owner portal, it's never been easier for you to keep tabs on your investment.
We track your financials and report to you monthly through our secure, online web-based accounting systems. With our detailed financial reporting tools, you’re always a few clicks away from checking-in on your investment.
As a Vero Beach Rent, LLC owner-client, you will have an online secure portal access which contains all of your related property documents, including inspections of the property and copies of the management agreement, the lease, paid vendor invoices, and monthly and annual financial reports – all available for download.
Tracking payments, expenses, and all other property related finances can be time consuming and confusing. Our team uses AppFolio management software to track and manage these for you, so they can be organized clearly and available to you 24/7.
You are paid your rent money each month by direct deposit to your bank account of choice by the 10th of every month. In the event the 10th falls on a weekend, funds will be deposited the next business day.
You will receive a 1099 form at year-end for tax preparation.
We also provide you with an annual income and expense summary report per property.
text 772-228-1414
Call 772- 978-0200
9055 Americana Road #23, Vero Beach FL 32966
Vero Beach Rent, LLC